Dissertation help

Some of the finest academics in the world have shot to fame because of a groundbreaking dissertation, but most students see a dissertation as a long essay – you shouldn’t! A brilliant dissertation brings more than just high grades, it can bring academic plaudits from your peers, it can open up opportunities to write for prestigious journals and most importantly, it can give you pride and satisfaction.

You deserve to have a groundbreaking, exploratory dissertation that sets you apart from other students. Using our guides, you can ensure that your work is exactly what you deserve.

A great dissertation needs to call upon great research but sometimes the hardest part of writing a great dissertation is finding the research to base it on. When you use UK Dissertations you ensure that every important idea and quote that should be included in your work is referenced and mentioned, is.

UK Dissertations is a specialist provider of:

  • Undergraduate Dissertation Help
  • Masters Dissertation Help
  • PhD Dissertation Help

So, if you need help for any academic level, we can provide it!

All of our papers are written by highly qualified and experienced academics. This ensures that our service is excellent and unmatched.

Dissertation Help Guides

There are plenty of methods you can use to ensure you have a great dissertation. Check below to find detailed descriptions and guides…

Dissertation Writing Tips

Writing a dissertation, like most things, is a combination of knowledge and experience: you have the first or you wouldn’t have reached the level to be writing a dissertation in the first place but the good thing about knowledge is that it is best shared and we all gain by sharing experience. Click here to read more about dissertation writing tips…

Dissertation Topics

Before you get to choosing a topic, you need to decide whether you’re carrying out qualitative research – which is concerned with description, qualities and observation or quantitative research – which is concerned with measurements and numbers. Once you’re clear on the distinction, you can start to formulate ideas for your dissertation topic. Click here to read more about dissertation topics…

Dissertation Proposal

Once you’ve decided on how you’re going to approach the topic, you need to come up with a proposal. First draw up a list of first thoughts and questions about the topic you want to look at, considering any current issues, problems you have seen and current opinion on how change should take place. Click here to read more about dissertation proposals…

Sourcing Dissertation Materials

One of the most valuable resources available to you if you have an athens password will be journal databases. A service like infoLinX will assist you in locating journal databases that are appropriate to your subject area. Click here to read more about sourcing material…

Dissertation Title Page

At the top of the title page within the advised margins, give the title and any sub-title of the dissertation, followed by the volume number, if more than one. The full name of the author should be in the centre of the page. Click here to read more about title pages…

Dissertation Abstract

Your dissertation abstract is a highly condensed version of a longer piece of writing that highlights the major points covered. The abstract concisely describes the content and scope of the writing, and reviews the contents in abbreviated form. Click here to read more about abstracts…

Dissertation Table of Contents

The table of contents must list in sequence, with page numbers: all chapters, sections and subsections; the list of references; the bibliography; list of abbreviations; and any appendices. The list of tables and illustrations must follow the table of contents, and should list, with page numbers, all the tables, photographs, coloured photocopies, diagrams, etc. Click here to read more about table of contents…

Dissertation Introduction

A good formula for you introduction is to put the issue in context as concisely as possible. Answer the question: why do this study? Why now? Why here? Why me? State the aims of the study. Click here to read more about dissertation introductions…

Dissertation Background

The background and history section of your dissertation highlights the empirical foundations of your topic that you have chosen. This section of your dissertation is deceptively straightforward – it is tempting to write ‘all you know’ about a subject without selecting carefully the details that the reader NEEDS to know to be able to appreciate your arguments later on. Click here to read more about the dissertation background section…

Dissertation Methodology

States what you are going to do and how you plan on doing it. The methodology should be approximately 200 – 300 words. What belongs in the “methods” section of a paper? This depends on the type of dissertation but here is the general content. Click here to read more about methodology…

Dissertation Literature Review

In writing the literature review for your dissertation, your purpose is to convey to your reader what knowledge and ideas have been established on a topic, and what their strengths and weaknesses are. As a piece of writing, the literature review must be defined by a guiding concept. Click here to read more about literature reviews…

Dissertation Evidence

The evidence referred to may comprise evidence from published texts – for example if you are exploring the literary texts of a particular writer – or it may consist of primary data gathered by your own, first-hand research – for example a sociological study of attitudes to gender roles based on research methods such as interviews and questionnaires. Click here to read more about dissertation evidence…

Dissertation Conclusion

The conclusion summarises the results of a dissertation and contains the final deductions you have made from your research. Your dissertation conclusion should contain a concise and clear description of the results of the conducted research. Click here to read more about conclusions…

Dissertation Recommendations

Recommendations cover two key aspects. They may suggest action which could be taken right now in relation to a particular issue or topic. In addition, or alternatively, they may suggest that further research and work is necessary to be able to take appropriate action. Click here to read more about recommendations…

Dissertation Referencing

Before we talk about referencing, let’s talk plagiarism. To “plagiarise”, according to the dictionary, means 1. to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own 2. to use (another’s production) without crediting the source 3. to commit literary theft 4. to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source. Click here to read more about referencing…

Dissertation Appendix

Appendices are used when the incorporation of material in the body of the work would make it poorly structured or too long and detailed. It may be desirable to include a particular appendix because it represents helpful, supporting or essential material that would otherwise clutter, break up or be distracting to the text. Click here to read more about appendices…

Dissertation Layout

The way you layout a dissertation is the first indication an examiner will get of how professional you are and how accurately you have adhered to your college or university’s regulations. It is absolutely essential that your work exactly as specified in the way you layout a dissertation. Click here to read more about layout…

Prepare For A Dissertation

Dissertations provide the most challenging yet rewarding module within a law degree. They provide the candidate with an opportunity to address an area of law in which they have a vested interest, or address relevant legal principles to the era/time period in which the dissertation is being written. Click here to read more about prepare…

Ideas For Your Dissertation

Dissertation ideas come in all shapes and sizes, and the only real restriction on what makes a good topic for a dissertation is the imagination of the author. Being creative and focusing on being original with your dissertation ideas is important, so do not be afraid to follow your own inclinations and interests. Click here to read more about ideas…

Other Guides & Resources

Further more, why not check out our other help sections for further help:

  • Free Dissertations
  • Custom Dissertations
  • Dissertation Topics
  • Dissertation Titles
  • Dissertation Proposal
  • Dissertation Tips
  • MBA Dissertation
  • Advice on choosing a dissertation topic
  • Types of Dissertation Referencing
  • Dissertation meaning

How to…

  • How to structure a dissertation proposal
  • How to source and collate dissertation material

Follow our simple and easy to understand guidelines and you can achieve the high grades and respect that you deserve.