Top 10 tips for choosing a dissertation topic

If you’re struggling for ideas when thinking of a topic for your upcoming dissertation, our range of dissertation topic tips will help you choose the right title for you. Choosing the right title can be difficult if you don’t know exactly what to write about but, with a little guidance, we will show you that the decision can be easier than you think.

1. Choose something you’re interested in

Your dissertation is the perfect opportunity to write about something you’re interested in, or a topic that you have always wanted to learn more about. Choosing a topic that intrigues you, or one that you have some knowledge of, means you won’t be too far away from a topic or title.

2. Try to be unique

Making your dissertation as unique as possible will allow it to stand out from the crowd. Try to avoid choosing the obvious titles and instead look for those topics that are not often covered. Finding a unique angle to write about is far easier if the topic isn’t being covered by the majority of students.

3. Ensure your topic is not too broad

A good dissertation will focus on one subject and analyse it in great detail. It can be difficult to make sure you keep your topic specific, especially when you start writing, as your thoughts and research can take you in different directions. One thing to be aware of is that, if your topic is too broad or too popular, you might not stand out to the examiner/marker as you won’t add anything to the discussion.

4. Ensure your topic is not too narrow

This is equally as important as finding a topic that is not too broad! Finding a niche topic can be a great way to distinguish yourself from the mainstream but you need to be careful to avoid choosing a topic that is so narrow in scope that it becomes impossible for you to find any citable reference sources or data.

5. Make a note of your ideas as you think of them

Hopefully, university will have taught you the importance of note-taking but, if not, don’t worry, getting into the habit whilst thinking of your dissertation topic or title will be a huge help. Start making a note of any ideas you have from day to day life. This can be simple things such as watching the news, reading a newspaper, or just listening to conversations. Make notes on your mobile phone or tablet when you’re out and about to help you remember ideas when you’re ready to sit down and start writing.

6. Read as much material as you can

If you’re not inspired by everyday life, then you need to find somewhere that you can be inspired. Although, for some, a library may seem like the last place to get inspired, it’s actually a great place to start. Go to your university library and get ‘lost’ – look at sections that you would never usually go to – and start reading. By reading a large number of books you could find a subject that you didn’t even realise you were interested in. Take the same idea but stay within the area where the books most relevant to your field of study are held. The more you read, the more you will find out what you’re interested in, or equally, what you’re not interested in.

7. Be specific

Once you’ve decided on an idea for your dissertation topic, you need to think about being more specific in order to form a title. Decide on two factors which can influence your subject and use them to form the research question.

    For example, you may be interested in muscle strength differences between men and women, but what factors affect this subject?

    Factor 1: Different sport/work out activities

    Factor 2: Amount of time spent working out

    Question: Muscle strength and gender: A study on the comparative muscle strength in men and women athletes

    8. Be critical of your ideas

    It can be easy to fall into the trap of convincing yourself that your topic idea is going to be as interesting to others as it is to you. One simple solution to this is to put yourself into the mind of others and to ask some simple critical questions: Does your dissertation have practical value? What significance do your findings have? Are your results worth exploration? By being critical now, you can make sure that you answer all of these questions with your research, planning, or further ideas.

    9. Make good use of your tutor

    Your tutor is there to help you succeed. Make sure you run your topic ideas by them and see if they have any additional input that could help you to stand out from the crowd. Your tutor will also be able to read over your notes or ideas and offer further sources, books, or knowledge. If you’re not happy with your tutor, don’t worry; most universities will allow students to request a different tutor who you think will be of more value – so long as there is a valid reason, of course.

    10. Get help from an expert

    Help is always available from people who have gone through the same process as you. At UK Dissertations we have hundreds of qualified writers who can assist you with choosing the right topic and titles for your dissertation. No matter where you are with your dissertation, we have a service that can help you. If you’re still struggling to decide on your topic or title, need help writing a specific chapter, or want somebody to write a full dissertation, we can help.

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